MARC Member Spotlight – Maryland Food Bank

When the Maryland Food Bank first began their membership at the MARC in 2018, they started with just one truck a week, receiving bins of bulk product and using volunteers to short and bag for their pantries. According to Andrew Miller, the food bank’s food sourcing manager, joining the MARC began as an opportunity for…

MARC Member Spotlight – Blue Ridge Area Food Bank

When the MARC first started, the Blue Ridge Area Food Bank was intrigued by the idea of being a member because they wanted to expand their produce program, the mixed load option, and the variety that they would have access to. Greg Knight, Food Sourcing Manager at Blue Ridge Area Food Bank explained, “When the MARC…

MARC Member Spotlight – Virginia Peninsula Foodbank

If the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us one thing, it’s that community and group efforts can come a long way. Food banks across the country have had to adapt to the “new normal” and quickly change their distribution models to serve the unprecedented rise in demand. Among the many food banks adapting to the new…

MARC Member Spotlight – City Harvest

When Feeding Pennsylvania began the development phase of creating the MARC in June of 2016, City Harvest was one of many food banks who saw the value of a regional produce cooperative in the northeast region. From concept to fruition, City Harvest has been an integral part of making the MARC the success that it…

MARC Member Spotlight – Community Food Warehouse of Mercer County

Located in the rich agricultural landscape of Northwest Pennsylvania, The Community Food Warehouse of Mercer County is known to rely on local donations from farmers during growing season to provide to their network of agencies. But outside of peak harvest time, the food bank is limited to what is available. To fill this gap in…