HPI Success Story with Second Harvest Food Bank of NWPA

About Wesleyville Interfaith Food Pantry Wesleyville Interfaith Food Pantry is a partner agency of the Second Harvest Food Bank of Northwest Pennsylvania. As a food pantry, they help provide much needed food and supplies for community members in need and provide food for families who find themselves in emergency situations. PA Healthy Pantry Initiative (PA…

HPI Success Story with Philabundance

About Bebashi FoodFirst Pantry Bebashi, which stands for Blacks Educating Blacks About Sexual Health Issues, is a nonprofit organization that has been in Philadelphia since 1985. Their FoodFirst Pantry is open five days a week to members of the community who are economically challenged. In December 2021, Bebashi opened a community fridge to provide their…

Celebrate Hear the PA Crunch!

Are you an organization, business, or individual that believes that every child deserves access to healthy, nutritious food? National School Breakfast Week is right around the corner and we need your help to spread the message through our annual “Hear the Pennsylvania Crunch!” social media campaign! This year, the “Hear the Pennsylvania Crunch!” social media campaign is…

Funds Available for Livestock Auction Donations to Support Local PA Food Banks

The 2022 Pennsylvania Fair Season is rapidly approaching and, for many, that means the opportunity to compete for prize money, showcase their livestock and locally grown produce, and enjoy delicious food grown by PA farmers. However, not far away from this bounty, there are millions of Pennsylvanians who don’t have enough nutritious food to eat. That’s…

5 Ways to Give Back This Holiday Season

For many Pennsylvanians, the holiday season is a joy-filled time spent with family, friends, and loved ones. But hunger doesn’t take a break during the holidays, and many of our neighbors will struggle to put food on the table this month and beyond. That is where you come in. There are many ways you can…

Nourish PA: In Collaboration with PA Eats

Feeding Pennsylvania is committed to sourcing Pennsylvania products, supplying nutritious food, and improving the health of food pantry clients. Through the Pennsylvania Healthy Pantry Initiative (PA HPI), Feeding Pennsylvania works with our member food banks to increase healthy food and beverage options available in food pantries. In addition to providing nutritious food, nutrition education resources…

MARC Member Spotlight – Maryland Food Bank

When the Maryland Food Bank first began their membership at the MARC in 2018, they started with just one truck a week, receiving bins of bulk product and using volunteers to short and bag for their pantries. According to Andrew Miller, the food bank’s food sourcing manager, joining the MARC began as an opportunity for…

MARC Member Spotlight – Blue Ridge Area Food Bank

When the MARC first started, the Blue Ridge Area Food Bank was intrigued by the idea of being a member because they wanted to expand their produce program, the mixed load option, and the variety that they would have access to. Greg Knight, Food Sourcing Manager at Blue Ridge Area Food Bank explained, “When the MARC…

MARC Member Spotlight – Virginia Peninsula Foodbank

If the COVID-19 pandemic has taught us one thing, it’s that community and group efforts can come a long way. Food banks across the country have had to adapt to the “new normal” and quickly change their distribution models to serve the unprecedented rise in demand. Among the many food banks adapting to the new…

MARC Member Spotlight – City Harvest

When Feeding Pennsylvania began the development phase of creating the MARC in June of 2016, City Harvest was one of many food banks who saw the value of a regional produce cooperative in the northeast region. From concept to fruition, City Harvest has been an integral part of making the MARC the success that it…